from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('''<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger" onclick="codeToggle();">Toggle Code</button>''')
import warnings
import os
import random
import re
import string
import tabulate
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('animation', html='jshtml')
import seaborn as sns
import re, os, string
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import nltk'punkt')"stopwords")
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_samples, silhouette_score
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import networkx as nx
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
SEED = 42
os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(SEED)
import plotly
papers_df = pd.read_csv('data/new_papers.csv')
Conference | Year | Title | Author | Affiliation | |
0 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Yingxue Wang | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
1 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Rodney J Douglas | Institute of Neuroinformatics |
2 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Shih-Chii Liu | Institute for Neuroinformatics, University of ... |
3 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Andreas Argyriou | Ecole Centrale de Paris |
4 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Theos Evgeniou | INSEAD |
The analysis is based on two sets of dataset.
The first dataset is papers.csv
. The Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (abbreviated as NeurIPS and formerly NIPS) is an yearly flagship conference, held every December, on Machine Learning (ML) and neural computation.
The dataset is a compilation of NeurIPS Papers published since 1987-2019. It contains the
year of publication
author details
, and
full text
from these years and is publicly avaiable for various data science tasks.
The second dataset is new_papers.csv
. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), The Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) and The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) are the top three premiere conferences on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).The dataset consists of the
of the papers published in these conferences from the below years:
# Visualising the data
fig = px.scatter_3d(papers_df.sample(n=100), x='Year', y='Conference', z='Author',
color='Affiliation', template="plotly_dark")
# fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":10,"l":00,"b":100})
A sample of 100 points is taken from the dataset for the visualisation. Each row in our dataset represents a unique paper published in a particular year. The attributes in the dataset used are: [Conference, Year, Title, Author, Affiliation] . To visualise the data in a 3D perspective, each paper is identified by the attributes: [Conference, Year, Author] . For a research paper having the same attributes, color is used to distinguish between such instances. Therefore, each point $(p_{id})$ in space indicating a published paper, is presented as: $$p_{id}= f(conference, year, author)$$
# get the list of the top 10 universities till now
dict_ = {}
for insti in papers_df['Affiliation']:
insti = str(insti)
if insti == 'None':
if insti not in dict_.keys():
dict_[insti] = (papers_df.Affiliation == insti).sum()
sorted_by_value=(sorted(dict_.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
top_10_institutes = []
for tuple_ in sorted_by_value[:10]:
# get a dictionary which outputs the list of number of papers published by top 10 universities in a year x:
y_paper_count_top_10 = {}
for year in range(2006,2022, 1):
y_paper_count_top_10[year] = []
temp_df = papers_df[papers_df.Year == year]
for insti in top_10_institutes:
count = (temp_df.Affiliation==insti).sum()
# Now we need to plot the growth on a bar chart for the institutes
# we will have 8 points : 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Create figure
fig = go.Figure()
# Add traces, one for each slider step
for step in np.arange(2006, 2021, 1):
# line=dict(color="#00CED1", width=6),
# name="𝜈 = " + str(step),
x = top_10_institutes,
y = y_paper_count_top_10[step],
name = "Year="+str(step),
# color = 'rgb(255,0,0)',
# Make 10th trace visible[0].visible = True
# Create and add slider
steps = []
for i in range(len(
step = dict(
args=[{"visible": [False] * len(},
{"title": "Slider switched to Year: " + str(2006+i)}], # layout attribute
label = str(2006+i*1),
step["args"][0]["visible"][i] = True # Toggle i'th trace to "visible"
sliders = [dict(
currentvalue={"prefix": "Trend For Year: ", },
pad={"t": 80},
The above interactive slider displays the contribution of top 10 organisations in terms of number of research papers published (centered around machine-based learning) in a certain year.
The notion of 'top organisations' in our analysis is subject to the cummulative number of papers published over the years. For our dataset available till only the year 2021, we have retrieved the top 10 organisations based on the number of papers published in the duration: 2006-2021. However, due to methodological constraints, the data corresponding to the year 2021 is not complete.
We analyse the number of research papers published to abstract the contribution of certain organisations in the mentioned field. Charting such a trend helps to analyse the behaviour of the current top 10 institutes over the years. For example, DeepMind , a current top institute in the research field of Deep Learning had no publications in thye year 2006 . However, as the demand and attention towards Deep Learning increased after 2014, the number of publications sore to 301 in the year 2019 . This paradigm shift was a response to the growing demand for faster algorithms for deep learning and related techniques after the year 2014.
Interestingly, the year 2020 witnessed the highest number of cumumulative research papers across the top 10 affiliated institutes. The trend explains the boost in current demand of the technology as every manufacturing sector depends on machine-based learning to increase responsiveness.
The growth this 'growth' trend spoken-of numerous times is evident as the average number of publications increases tremedously from 25 in the year 2014 to about 290 in the year 2020 .
Conference | Year | Title | Author | Affiliation | |
0 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Yingxue Wang | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
1 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Rodney J Douglas | Institute of Neuroinformatics |
2 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Shih-Chii Liu | Institute for Neuroinformatics, University of ... |
3 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Andreas Argyriou | Ecole Centrale de Paris |
4 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Theos Evgeniou | INSEAD |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49312 | ICLR | 2021 | Self-supervised Representation Learning with R... | Martin Q Ma | School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Un... |
49313 | ICLR | 2021 | Self-supervised Representation Learning with R... | Muqiao Yang | School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Un... |
49314 | ICLR | 2021 | Self-supervised Representation Learning with R... | Han Zhao | University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign |
49315 | ICLR | 2021 | Self-supervised Representation Learning with R... | LP Morency | Carnegie Mellon University |
49316 | ICLR | 2021 | Self-supervised Representation Learning with R... | Ruslan Salakhutdinov | Carnegie-Mellon University |
49317 rows × 5 columns
# Trend for author count every year
# First we get author list for one year, then we see if it was in the past year or not.
# Assumption is that once we seen an author has published in some year, then that author remains active subsequent years.
# This trend is increasing (either constant or increases)
# List of year in dataset:
year_list = sorted(list(set(papers_df["Year"])))
dict_year_author = {}
dict_year_author_cumu = {}
for year in year_list:
dict_year_author[str(year)] = list(set(papers_df.loc[papers_df["Year"]==year]["Author"]))
dict_year_author_cumu[str(year_list[0])] = dict_year_author[str(year_list[0])]
for i in range(1,len(year_list)):
key_ = str(year_list[i])
prev_key = str(year_list[i-1])
dict_year_author_cumu[str(key_)] = list(set(dict_year_author[key_] + dict_year_author_cumu[prev_key]))
# Plotting trend for Authors publishing every year:
x_author = list(dict_year_author.keys())
y_author = [len(dict_year_author[key_]) for key_ in x_author]
fig =, y =y_author, title= "Number of Authors Publishing Each Year", color = y_author,labels={"y" :"Number of Authors", "x": "Year"})
Machine learning and Artifical Intelligence are heavily research driven topics. The surge of these research-oriented fields in an interval can be mapped to quantification of research papers published. There are two components to this quantity analysis:
Number of authors publishing each year: We represent how many unique authors have published in a particular year. It should be pointed out that this statistic is different from publications per year because an author may publish 20 papers a year. But having 20 different authors publishing some research paper implies the relevance and rise of interest in the field in the research community.
Number of authors active each year: The term active is used here to represent authors who have published in any of the previous year(s). The assumption is based on the probability that an author might be cited in a research paper in the subsequent years. This implies that once an author gets a publication, he remains active for each subsequent year. This quantity quantifies how many authors are added in the research fields or get interested in the researcg every year. It is worth noting that it is a different metric than the one pointed above. This statistic helps us to understand how many new authors are publishing or have published each year on average. While the former represents how many authors get interested in research each year.
# Plotting trend for Active authors added new every year:
x_author_cumu = list(dict_year_author_cumu.keys())
y_author_cumu = [len(dict_year_author_cumu[key_]) for key_ in x_author_cumu]
fig =, y =y_author_cumu, title= "Number of Authors Active Each Year (Cummulative)", color = y_author_cumu,
labels={"y" :"Number of Unique Authors", "x": "Year"}
For each year, the value on the y-axis represents the number of unqiue authors that have published in the particular year or in of the any previous years i.e. the sixth bar gives the count of all the unique authors (set of authors) who have published papers since 2006 up till 2011. Therefore, to get the number of new authors being added each year, we just subtract the value for the previous year from the current year. For example, to get the number of new authors who publish in the year 2011 , we just subtract the value of number of active authors in 2011 and number of active authors in 2010 . That is: number of new authors added in the year 2011 are:
$$ 2540-2137 = 403 $$
Doing this for every year, we get the
plot for new authors added each year
. Note that the count of new authors for 2021 is less since the dataset doesn't capture all the publications of 2021.
# New authors added each year
new_author_year = [y_author_cumu[0]]
for i in range(1,len(y_author_cumu)):
fig =, y =new_author_year, title= "Number of Authors Added In a Year", color = new_author_year,
labels={"y" :"Number of New Authors", "x": "Year"}
The dataset contains all paper titles, authors and their affiliations from the years
ICML Conference: 2017-2020
NeurIPS Conference: 2006-2020
ICLR Conference: 2018-2021 (except 2020)
This is a distribution of the top 10 authors who published maximum number of papers since 2006 (upto 2021). Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel and Michael Jordan are associated with UC Berkely, Yoshua with University of Montreal and Lawrence Carin with Duke University. According to current treds, America is leading research in AI and ML in terms of number of papers are published. From the above distribution, it can be observed that six out of ten authors are associated with a USA institute which justifies the current trends.
papers = pd.read_csv('data/new_papers.csv')
papers = papers.drop_duplicates()
ath = []
val = []
for name, pub in papers.Author.value_counts().head(10).iteritems():
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(ath, val)),columns =['Authors', 'Papers'])
fig =, x="Authors", y="Papers", color='Authors')
fig.update_layout(title_text = "Authors publishing maximum number of papers",title_x=0.5)
The dataset contains all paper titles, authors and their affiliations from the years
ICML Conference: 2017-2020
NeurIPS Conference: 2006-2020
ICLR Conference: 2018-2021 (except 2020)
This is a plot of total number of papers published vs how many authors published those many papers. The y axis is plotted in logarithmic scale for better interpretation. Each colour represents differet number of papers. All the authors' performance can be considered independent over here. As observed, this doesn't follow the Central Limit Theorem and as the paper count increases, frequency of authors decreases drastically.
author_counts = papers.value_counts('Author').rename_axis('author_name').reset_index(name='paper_count')
fig = px.histogram(author_counts, x="paper_count", nbins = 60, color='paper_count', log_y=True,
labels={"y": "Frequency (log scale)", "paper_count": "Paper Count"}
fig.update_layout(title_text = "Plot of total papers published by authors vs frequency (Log Scale)",title_x=0.5)
# Now we try to answer the question in top 5% author, how many of them collab with each other
top_author_collab = pd.read_csv('data/new_papers.csv')
top_author_collab = top_author_collab.drop_duplicates()
author = []
value = []
# for name, pub in top_author_collab.Author.value_counts().head(len(top_author_collab)//100).iteritems():
for name, pub in top_author_collab.Author.value_counts().head(50).iteritems():
top_author_collab = top_author_collab.loc[top_author_collab["Author"].isin(author)].copy()
Conference | Year | Title | Author | Affiliation | |
13815 | NeurIPS | 2017 | Stochastic Approximation for Canonical Correla... | Nati Srebro | TTI-Chicago |
23555 | ICLR | 2019 | L-Shapley and C-Shapley: Efficient Model Inter... | Le Song | Ant Financial & Georgia Institute of Technology |
40349 | NeurIPS | 2020 | Robust Optimization for Fairness with Noisy Pr... | Michael Jordan | UC Berkeley |
42210 | NeurIPS | 2020 | Coresets via Bilevel Optimization for Continua... | Andreas Krause | ETH Zurich |
7914 | NeurIPS | 2014 | Recurrent Models of Visual Attention | Nicolas Heess | Google DeepMind |
new_df = top_author_collab[['Conference','Year','Title', 'Author']].groupby(['Conference','Year','Title'])
Authors_collab = []
key_seen = []
for i in top_author_collab.index:
curr_key = tuple(top_author_collab.loc[i,['Conference','Year','Title']])
if curr_key not in key_seen:
lst_author = list(new_df.get_group(curr_key).Author)
if lst_author not in Authors_collab:
# Author collab stores all the edges
node_list = list(set(top_author_collab.Author))
edge_list = [i for i in Authors_collab if len(i)>=2]
# creating the graph
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from import Network
# creating notebook
net = Network(notebook = False)
class GraphVisualization:
def __init__(self):
G = None
self.visual = []
# addEdge function inputs the vertices of an
# edge and appends it to the visual list
def addEdges(self, list_edges):
to_add = list(itertools.permutations(list_edges, 2))
for i in to_add:
# In visualize function G is an object of
# class Graph given by networkx G.add_edges_from(visual)
# creates a graph with a given list
# nx.draw_networkx(G) - plots the graph
# - displays the graph
def visualize(self):
self.G = nx.Graph()
# nx.draw_spring(G)
pos = nx.random_layout(self.G)
nx.draw(self.G, pos , with_labels = True, width=0.4,
node_color='lightblue', node_size=200)
plt.figure(figsize=(13,13), dpi=300)
def getGraphObj(self):
self.G = nx.Graph()
return self.G
Graph = GraphVisualization()
for i in edge_list:
From our dataset, we picked up the list of top 50 authors. The authors were chosen on the basis of number of publications given in the dataset corresponding to them. A collaboration between authors is an event which occurs when two authors have the worked or contributed on the same paper. Since each paper is represented as: $p_{id}= f(conference, year, author)$, our task reduces to finding the set of authors having the same value of conference and year attribute. We grouped the dataset on the basis of ['conference','year','title'] and used the corresponding list of authors.
nx_graph = Graph.getGraphObj()
net.from_nx(nx_graph, show_edge_weights=False)
net.width = '1000px'"../_html/graph.html")
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML(''' <button > <a style = "text-decoration: none; font-weight: 800;" href="" target="_blank">SHOW COLLABORATION NETWORK </a></button>
On clicking the SHOW COLLABORATION NETWORK button, a new tab opens with the graph output.
The output is an interactive, unweighted graph with nodes and edges. Each node corresponds to an author, and an edge exists between two authors if they have ever collaborated in any research paper.
Zoom-in or out and drag the nodes to leverage the interactivity :)
print("The author having maximum unqiue collaboration is: ", sorted(, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0], end="")
print(" with ",sorted(, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][1], " collaborations")
The author having maximum unqiue collaboration is: Le Song with 8 collaborations
PUNCTUATION = """!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_ *{|}~"""
TOP_K_KEYWORDS = 10 # top k number of keywords to retrieve in a ranked document
STOPWORD_PATH = 'data/stopwords_ls.txt'
PAPERS_PATH = 'data/papers.csv'
Note: To run the below cells, unzip papers.csv.gz present in the data folder and rename it as papers.csv
def get_sw_lst(path):
with open(path,'r') as f:
for line in f:
listl += listli
return listl
def clean_text(text):
"""Doc cleaning"""
# Lowering text
text = text.lower()
# Removing punctuation
text = "".join([c for c in text if c not in PUNCTUATION])
# Removing whitespace and newlines
text = re.sub('\s+',' ',text)
return text
def sort_coo(coo_matrix):
"""Sort a dict with highest score"""
tuples = zip(coo_matrix.col,
return sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
def extract_topn_from_vector(feature_names, sorted_items, topn=10):
"""get the feature names and tf-idf score of top n items"""
#use only topn items from vector
sorted_items = sorted_items[:topn]
score_vals = []
feature_vals = []
# word index and corresponding tf-idf score
for idx, score in sorted_items:
#keep track of feature name and its corresponding score
score_vals.append(round(score, 3))
#create a tuples of feature, score
results= {}
for idx in range(len(feature_vals)):
return results
def get_keywords(vectorizer, feature_names, doc):
"""Return top k keywords from a doc using TF-IDF method"""
#generate tf-idf for the given document
tf_idf_vector = vectorizer.transform([doc])
#sort the tf-idf vectors by descending order of scores
#extract only TOP_K_KEYWORDS
return list(keywords.keys())
data = pd.read_csv(PAPERS_PATH)
source_id | year | title | abstract | full_text | |
0 | 27 | 1987 | Bit-Serial Neural Networks | NaN | 573 \n\nBIT - SERIAL NEURAL NETWORKS \n\nAlan... |
1 | 63 | 1987 | Connectivity Versus Entropy | NaN | 1 \n\nCONNECTIVITY VERSUS ENTROPY \n\nYaser S... |
2 | 60 | 1987 | The Hopfield Model with Multi-Level Neurons | NaN | 278 \n\nTHE HOPFIELD MODEL WITH MUL TI-LEVEL N... |
3 | 59 | 1987 | How Neural Nets Work | NaN | 442 \n\nAlan Lapedes \nRobert Farber \n\nThe... |
4 | 69 | 1987 | Spatial Organization of Neural Networks: A Pro... | NaN | 740 \n\nSPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF NEURAL NEn... |
data.dropna(subset=['full_text'], inplace=True)
data['full_text'] = data['full_text'].apply(clean_text)
source_id | year | title | abstract | full_text | |
0 | 27 | 1987 | Bit-Serial Neural Networks | NaN | 573 bitserialneuralnetworks alanfmurrayanthony... |
1 | 63 | 1987 | Connectivity Versus Entropy | NaN | 1 connectivityversusentropy yasersabumostafa c... |
2 | 60 | 1987 | The Hopfield Model with Multi-Level Neurons | NaN | 278 thehopfieldmodelwithmultilevelneurons mich... |
3 | 59 | 1987 | How Neural Nets Work | NaN | 442 alanlapedes robertfarber theoreticaldivisi... |
4 | 69 | 1987 | Spatial Organization of Neural Networks: A Pro... | NaN | 740 spatialorganizationofneuralnenorks aprobab... |
test = data.groupby('year').sample(n= 25, random_state=25)
train = data.drop(test.index, axis = 0)
corpora = train['full_text'].to_list()
# get the stop words list
# Initializing TF-IDF Vectorizer with the given stopword list
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stopwords, smooth_idf=True, use_idf=True)
# Creating vocabulary with our corpora
# Storing the created vocabulary
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
result = []
i = 0
test_lst = test['full_text'].to_list()
yrs = test.year.to_list()
word_data = {}
# Associating the top 10 keywords from each paper and their years
for doc in test_lst:
df = {}
df['full_text'] = doc
df['year'] = yrs[i]
wordsl = get_keywords(vectorizer, feature_names, doc)
df['top_keywords'] = wordsl
if(yrs[i] in word_data):
word_data[yrs[i]] += wordsl
word_data[yrs[i]] = wordsl
i = i+1
final = pd.DataFrame(result)
# importing all necessary modules
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for key,val in word_data.items():
words_string=(" ").join(val)
wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 1000, height = 500).generate(words_string)
# plt.title('Word Cloud for the year {}'.format(str(i)))
plt.savefig("assets/wc_{}.png".format(key), bbox_inches='tight')
import imageio
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(1987,2020):
x = 'assets/wc_{}.png'.format(i)
img = mpimg.imread(x)
plt.figure(figsize=(15,8), facecolor='black')
# plt.imshow(img)
plt.title('Word Cloud for the year {}'.format(str(i)), color = 'white')
plt.savefig("assets/NTwc_{}.png".format(i), bbox_inches='tight')
images = {}
for year in range(1987, 2020):
x = './assets/NTwc_{}.png'.format(year)
images[x] = str(year)
new_images = []
for filename in list(images.keys()):
imageio.mimsave('./assets/gif/movie.gif', new_images, duration = 2)
from IPython.display import Image
with open('./assets/gif/movie.gif','rb') as f:
display(Image(, format='png'))
This dataset contains the year of publication, title, author details, abstracts, and full text from the years
NeurIPS Conference: 1987-2019.
Over 33 years, the research domains in AI has changed significantly. This can be studied by analysisng the top keywords in papers published over the years. The observation in this report is carried out on top 10 such keywords of randomly and uniformly selected 825 papers published in NeurIPS conference from 1987-2019. The keywords were extracted using built-in algorithm of TD-IDF in Scikit-learn library. The stopwords were ignored and only relevant keywords were considered during training. The vocabulary was created by learning on 8852 papers. From these word clouds, we propose to study the growth of AI and tools over the year.
Initially, neurons were one of the only widely researched areas in the AI world. Most of the papers focussed on training their neural networks or worked on efficiently developing their neurons . Since 1995, rapid development was witnessed in Learning Classifier System algorithms and its applications. Over the next years, papers focussed on these topics as can be seen from the top trending words like classifier, cell, learning .
In the 21st century, graph, tree and deep neural networks also gained popularity in identifying features and extracting relationships between nodes. As a result, words like graph matrix tree deep were popularly used in papers. Words like regularization were also observed in between. Some words like cluster , learning , kernel remain popular throughout these years as clustering data and learning on it are still some of the basic data analysis tasks.
Some noises can be induced in the above observations but it gives a good idea about the flow of research areas over the years.
df = pd.read_csv('./data/new_papers.csv')
df = df.drop_duplicates()
(49296, 5)
Conference | Year | Title | Author | Affiliation | |
0 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Yingxue Wang | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
1 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Rodney J Douglas | Institute of Neuroinformatics |
2 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Attentional Processing on a Spike-Based VLSI N... | Shih-Chii Liu | Institute for Neuroinformatics, University of ... |
3 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Andreas Argyriou | Ecole Centrale de Paris |
4 | NeurIPS | 2006 | Multi-Task Feature Learning | Theos Evgeniou | INSEAD |
data = df['Title'].explode().unique()
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=word_tokenize(_d.lower()), tags=[str(i)]) for i, _d in enumerate(data)]
TaggedDocument(words=['attentional', 'processing', 'on', 'a', 'spike-based', 'vlsi', 'neural', 'network'], tags=['0'])
max_epochs = 100
vec_size = 20
alpha = 0.025
model = Doc2Vec(vector_size=vec_size,
dm = 0)
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
print('iteration {0}'.format(epoch))
# decrease the learning rate
model.alpha -= 0.0002
# fix the learning rate, no decay
model.min_alpha = model.alpha"./assets/d2v.model")
print("Model Saved")
temp = model
model= Doc2Vec.load("./assets/d2v.model")
title_embeddings = []
for i in range(len(model.dv)):
temp = model.dv[i]
title_embeddings = np.array(title_embeddings)
def create_node_trace(G):
# collect node information from G to plot
node_x = []
node_y = []
node_text = []
node_color = []
for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes(data=True)):
# get node x,y position and store
x, y = node[1]['pos']
# create node trace (i.e., scatter plot)
# make it invisible by default
node_trace = go.Scatter(
x=node_x, y=node_y,
return node_trace
def create_edge_trace(G):
# collect edges information from G to plot
edge_weight = []
edge_text = []
edge_pos = []
edge_color = []
for edge in G.edges(data=True):
# edge is line connecting two points
x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]['pos']
x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]['pos']
edge_pos.append([[x0, x1, None], [y0, y1, None]])
# edge line color when drawn
# there is a trace for each edge
edge_traces = []
for i in range(len(edge_pos)):
# edge line width
line_width = 1
# is scatter because it is line connecting two points
trace = go.Scatter(
x=edge_pos[i][0], y=edge_pos[i][1],
line=dict(width=line_width, color=edge_color[i]),
return edge_traces
def filter_similarity_matrix_at_step(square_matrix, step_value):
# copy matrix
aux = square_matrix.copy()
# set as NaN all values equal to or below threshold value
aux[aux <= step_value] = np.nan
# return filtered matrix
return aux
def get_interactive_slider_similarity_graph(square_matrix, slider_values, node_text=None, yaxisrange=None, xaxisrange=None):
# Create figure with plotly
fig = go.Figure()
# key: slider value
# value: list of traces to display for that slider value
slider_dict = {}
# total number of traces
total_n_traces = 0
# node positions on plot
#node_pos = None
# for each possible value in the slider, create and store traces (i.e., plots)
for i, step_value in enumerate(slider_values):
# update similarity matrix for the current step
aux = filter_similarity_matrix_at_step(square_matrix, step_value)
# create nx graph from sim matrix
G = nx.to_networkx_graph(aux)
# remove edges for 0 weight (NaN)
G.remove_edges_from([(a, b) for a, b, attrs in G.edges(data=True) if np.isnan(attrs["weight"])])
# assign node positions if None
node_pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G)
# populate nodes with meta information
for node in G.nodes(data=True):
# node position
node[1]['pos'] = node_pos[node[0]]
# node color
node[1]['color'] = "orange"
# node text on hover if any is specified else is empty
if node_text is not None:
node[1]['text'] = node_text[node[0]]
node[1]['text'] = ""
# create edge taces (each edge is a trace, thus this is a list)
edge_traces = create_edge_trace(G)
# create node trace (a single trace for all nodes, thus it is not a list)
node_trace = create_node_trace(G)
# store edge+node traces as single list for the current step value
slider_dict[step_value] = edge_traces + [node_trace]
# keep count of the total number of traces
total_n_traces += len(slider_dict[step_value])
# make sure that the first slider value is active for visualization
if i == 0:
for trace in slider_dict[step_value]:
# make visible
trace.visible = True
# Create steps objects (one step per step_value)
steps = []
for step_value in slider_values:
# count traces before adding new traces
n_traces_before_adding_new = len(
# add new traces
step = dict(
# update figure when this step is active
# make all traces invisible
args=[{"visible": [False] * total_n_traces}],
# label on the slider
label=str(round(step_value, 3)),
# only toggle this step's traces visible, others remain invisible
n_traces_for_step_value = len(slider_dict[step_value])
for i in range(n_traces_before_adding_new, n_traces_before_adding_new + n_traces_for_step_value):
step["args"][0]["visible"][i] = True
# store step object in list of many steps
# create slider with list of step objects
slider = [dict(
# add slider to figure and create layout
margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40),
xaxis=dict(range=xaxisrange, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
yaxis=dict(range=yaxisrange, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
width=700, height=700,
return fig
def Rand(start, end, num):
res = []
for j in range(num):
res.append(random.randint(start, end))
return res
sample_index = Rand(0, len(title_embeddings), 50)
sample_title_embeddings = [title_embeddings[i] for i in sample_index]
sample_data = [data[i] for i in sample_index]
similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(sample_title_embeddings)
(50, 50)
# define slider steps (i.e., threshold values)
slider_steps = np.arange(0.4, 0.85, 0.05)
# get the slider figure
fig = get_interactive_slider_similarity_graph(
node_text = sample_data
fig.update_layout(title_text='Similarity between 50 random samples.', title_x=0.5)
# plot it
One of the basic steps of any data analysis task is the representation of objects in a machine-understandable format. The title of a research paper is the first interaction between the authors and readers. Ideally, the title of the paper captures the precise research field to which the paper contributes. The titles are converted to vectors using the Word2Vec and Doc2Vec algorithms to be able to perform computations on them. The cosine similarity between fifty randomly sampled titles was computed and the vectors with similarity greater than the threshold indicated by the slider have been plotted. At the threshold similarity of 0.6, a cluster of titles on the topics of unsupervised learning and meta-learning is observed. As the similarity threshold goes higher, the number of connections between titles decreases as we have plotted just fifty samples and not all the titles.
def clean_text(text, tokenizer, stopwords):
"""Pre-process text and generate tokens
text: Text to tokenize.
Tokenized text.
text = str(text).lower() # Lowercase words
text = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]", "", text) # Remove [+XYZ chars] in content
text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text) # Remove multiple spaces in content
text = re.sub(r"\w+…|…", "", text) # Remove ellipsis (and last word)
text = re.sub(r"(?<=\w)-(?=\w)", " ", text) # Replace dash between words
text = re.sub(
f"[{re.escape(string.punctuation)}]", "", text
) # Remove punctuation
tokens = tokenizer(text) # Get tokens from text
tokens = [t for t in tokens if not t in stopwords] # Remove stopwords
tokens = ["" if t.isdigit() else t for t in tokens] # Remove digits
tokens = [t for t in tokens if len(t) > 1] # Remove short tokens
return tokens
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
df_raw = pd.read_csv('./data/new_papers.csv')
df_raw = df_raw.drop_duplicates()
custom_stopwords = set(stopwords.words("english"))
text_columns = ["Title"]
df = df_raw.copy()
for col in text_columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
# Create text column based on title, description, and content
df["text"] = df[text_columns].apply(lambda x: " | ".join(x), axis=1)
df["tokens"] = df["text"].map(lambda x: clean_text(x, word_tokenize, custom_stopwords))
# Remove duplicated after preprocessing
_, idx = np.unique(df["tokens"], return_index=True)
df = df.iloc[idx, :]
# Remove empty values and keep relevant columns
df = df.loc[ x: len(x) > 0), ["text", "tokens", "Year", "Conference"]]
print(f"Original dataframe: {df_raw.shape}")
print(f"Pre-processed dataframe: {df.shape}")
docs = df["text"].values
tokenized_docs = df["tokens"].values
model = Word2Vec(sentences=tokenized_docs, vector_size=100, workers=1, seed=SEED)
def vectorize(list_of_docs, model):
"""Generate vectors for list of documents using a Word Embedding
list_of_docs: List of documents
model: Gensim's Word Embedding
List of document vectors
features = []
for tokens in list_of_docs:
zero_vector = np.zeros(model.vector_size)
vectors = []
for token in tokens:
if token in model.wv:
except KeyError:
if vectors:
vectors = np.asarray(vectors)
avg_vec = vectors.mean(axis=0)
return features
vectorized_docs = vectorize(tokenized_docs, model=model)
len(vectorized_docs), len(vectorized_docs[0])
def mbkmeans_clusters(
"""Generate clusters and print Silhouette metrics using MBKmeans
X: Matrix of features.
k: Number of clusters.
mb: Size of mini-batches.
print_silhouette_values: Print silhouette values per cluster.
Trained clustering model and labels based on X.
km = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=k, batch_size=mb).fit(X)
print(f"For n_clusters = {k}")
print(f"Silhouette coefficient: {silhouette_score(X, km.labels_):0.2f}")
if print_silhouette_values:
sample_silhouette_values = silhouette_samples(X, km.labels_)
print(f"Silhouette values:")
silhouette_values = []
for i in range(k):
cluster_silhouette_values = sample_silhouette_values[km.labels_ == i]
silhouette_values = sorted(
silhouette_values, key=lambda tup: tup[2], reverse=True
for s in silhouette_values:
f" Cluster {s[0]}: Size:{s[1]} | Avg:{s[2]:.2f} | Min:{s[3]:.2f} | Max: {s[4]:.2f}"
return km, km.labels_
clustering, cluster_labels = mbkmeans_clusters(
for test_cluster in range(20):
most_representative_docs = np.argsort(np.linalg.norm(vectorized_docs - clustering.cluster_centers_[test_cluster], axis=1))
print("Cluster", test_cluster, ":",docs[most_representative_docs[0]])
Cluster 0 : Learning Disentangled Representations and Group Structure of Dynamical Environments Cluster 1 : Two Generator Game: Learning to Sample via Linear Goodness-of-Fit Test Cluster 2 : Statistical Optimality of Stochastic Gradient Descent on Hard Learning Problems through Multiple Passes Cluster 3 : A Gaussian Process Model of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions Cluster 4 : Extending position/phase-shift tuning to motion energy neurons improves velocity discrimination Cluster 5 : Analog readout for optical reservoir computers Cluster 6 : HAWQ-V2: Hessian Aware trace-Weighted Quantization of Neural Networks Cluster 7 : Design Space for Graph Neural Networks Cluster 8 : Learning Multiple Tasks using Manifold Regularization Cluster 9 : GIANT: Globally Improved Approximate Newton Method for Distributed Optimization Cluster 10 : Towards Image Understanding from Deep Compression Without Decoding Cluster 11 : Fixed-Length Poisson MRF: Adding Dependencies to the Multinomial Cluster 12 : Boosting First-Order Methods by Shifting Objective: New Schemes with Faster Worst-Case Rates Cluster 13 : Coresets for Robust Training of Deep Neural Networks against Noisy Labels Cluster 14 : Active Learning for Probabilistic Hypotheses Using the Maximum Gibbs Error Criterion Cluster 15 : Manifold-regression to predict from MEG/EEG brain signals without source modeling Cluster 16 : Predicting Scene Parsing and Motion Dynamics in the Future Cluster 17 : Learning Accurate Entropy Model with Global Reference for Image Compression Cluster 18 : Selective Sampling-based Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering Cluster 19 : Approximation Guarantees of Local Search Algorithms via Localizability of Set Functions
df_clusters = pd.DataFrame({
"text": docs,
"tokens": [" ".join(text) for text in tokenized_docs],
"cluster": cluster_labels,
"vectorized_docs": vectorized_docs,
"year": list(df['Year']),
"conference": list(df['Conference'])
text | tokens | cluster | vectorized_docs | year | conference | |
0 | On 1/n neural representation and robustness | 1n neural representation robustness | 7 | [0.056133837, -0.010953411, -0.18008822, 0.063... | 2020 | NeurIPS |
1 | Do 2D GANs Know 3D Shape? Unsupervised 3D Shap... | 2d gans know 3d shape unsupervised 3d shape re... | 14 | [0.04935929, -0.04940794, -0.12340832, 0.04383... | 2021 | ICLR |
2 | 3D-Aware Scene Manipulation via Inverse Graphics | 3d aware scene manipulation via inverse graphics | 14 | [0.048220705, -0.045804773, -0.12345145, 0.046... | 2018 | NeurIPS |
3 | 3D Gaze Concurrences from Head-mounted Cameras | 3d gaze concurrences head mounted cameras | 16 | [0.037655167, -0.04429528, -0.09770333, 0.0377... | 2012 | NeurIPS |
4 | 3D Multi-bodies: Fitting Sets of Plausible 3D ... | 3d multi bodies fitting sets plausible 3d huma... | 10 | [0.061576527, -0.06371212, -0.14973295, 0.0626... | 2020 | NeurIPS |
def Extract(lst, i):
return [item[i] for item in lst]
pca = PCA(2)
#Transform the data
pca_vectorized_docs = pca.fit_transform(vectorized_docs)
df_clusters['pca_vectorized_docs'] = list(pca_vectorized_docs)
df_clusters['axis0'] = Extract(df_clusters['pca_vectorized_docs'], 0)
df_clusters['axis1'] = Extract(df_clusters['pca_vectorized_docs'], 1)
# Getting unique labels
u_labels = np.unique(df_clusters['cluster'])
# plotting the results:
f = plt.figure()
for i in u_labels:
plt.scatter(Extract(df_clusters['pca_vectorized_docs'], 0), Extract(df_clusters['pca_vectorized_docs'],1) , c = df_clusters['cluster'])
plt.title('Plotting the title vectors colored based on their clustering.')
plt.xlabel('pca axis0')
plt.ylabel('pca axis1')
After observing the similarity between the titles, the Mini-Batch K-Means Clustering algorithm is performed to cluster the titles based on their vector representations and cosine similarities. Although the fields of ML and AI are growing richer by the day, with researchers delving into more niche problems, the number of clusters was restricted to be twenty. This was done for the ease of understanding the visualisations. After clustering, the most popular terms present in each cluster were extracted so as to gain an understanding about the label of the cluster. The popular terms such as in cluster 7 are graph network recurrent training convolutional which indicates that the papers clubbed together in this cluster are based on training models on convolutional and recurrent networks. Cluster 12 is captured by the terms faster parallel greedy fast regularized , implying that the papers in this cluster focus on optimising the solutions by using parallel computing and algorithms with faster time complexity.
cluster_terms_dict = {}
for i in range(20):
tokens_per_cluster = ""
most_representative = model.wv.most_similar(positive=[clustering.cluster_centers_[i]], topn=5)
for t in most_representative:
tokens_per_cluster += f"{t[0]} "
# print(f"Cluster {i}: {tokens_per_cluster}")
cluster_terms_dict[i] = tokens_per_cluster
df_clusters['cluster_terms'] = [0]*df_clusters.shape[0]
for index, row in df_clusters.iterrows():
df_clusters['cluster_terms'][index] = cluster_terms_dict[row['cluster']]
new_df_clusters = df_clusters.drop_duplicates(subset=['year', 'cluster'], keep='first', inplace=False)
new_df_clusters = new_df_clusters.sort_values(by=['cluster', 'year'])
new_df_clusters = new_df_clusters[new_df_clusters['year'] != 2021]
fig =, x='year', y='cluster_count', animation_frame="cluster")
The topics listed below show significant growth over the years as can be viewed in the animation as well.
data = [['Cluster number', 'Cluster terms']]
for i in [1,4,5,6,7,15,18,19]:
data.append([i, cluster_terms_dict[i]])
table = tabulate.tabulate(data, tablefmt='html')
from IPython.display import HTML, display
Cluster number | Cluster terms |
1 | application estimating without partial general |
4 | weight human dynamics scalable partial |
5 | application human single dependent estimating |
6 | network training graph attention equivariant |
7 | graph network recurrent training convolutional |
15 | scalable estimating application partial distributions |
18 | estimating beyond weighted general application |
19 | fast regularized faster randomized parallel |
The topics listed below do not show much growth over the years. A possible explanation could be that aspects such as speed, parallelisation, scalability are inherent componenents of every research paper resulting in fewer papers dedicated solely to these topics.
data = [['Cluster number', 'Cluster terms']]
for i in [2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17]:
data.append([i, cluster_terms_dict[i]])
table = tabulate.tabulate(data, tablefmt='html')
from IPython.display import HTML, display
Cluster number | Cluster terms |
2 | accelerated convergence methods method coordinate |
3 | mixture variable dirichlet map mixtures |
8 | view approach knowledge embedding joint |
9 | algorithm method adaptive proximal problems |
10 | attention understanding aware uncertainty nets |
11 | single human gans application dynamics |
12 | faster parallel greedy fast regularized |
13 | network training graph generative recurrent |
14 | human scalable joint partial embedding |
16 | weight human dynamics uncertainty embedding |
17 | view semantic aware knowledge reasoning |
df_clusters['cluster_count'] = [0]*df_clusters.shape[0]
for curr_year in range(2006, 2022):
temp_df = df_clusters[df_clusters['year'] == curr_year]
values = temp_df['cluster'].value_counts(dropna=False).keys().tolist()
counts = [str(x) for x in temp_df['cluster'].value_counts(dropna=False).tolist()]
cluster_count_dict = dict(zip(values, counts))
cluster_count_dict = dict(sorted(cluster_count_dict.items()))
for index, row in df_clusters.iterrows():
if(df_clusters['year'][index] == curr_year):
df_clusters['cluster_count'][index] = cluster_count_dict[row['cluster']]
df_clusters['cluster_count'] = pd.to_numeric(df_clusters['cluster_count'])
df_clusters = pd.read_csv('./assets/df_clusters.csv')
df_clusters = df_clusters.sort_values(by=['year'])
pio.renderers.default = 'notebook_connected'
fig = px.scatter(df_clusters, x="axis0", y="axis1", animation_frame="year", animation_group="cluster_terms",
color="cluster_terms", hover_name="text", size='cluster_count', size_max=55)
# fig["layout"].pop("updatemenus") # optional, drop animation buttons
Having analyzed the semantics of the clusters formed, they are now visualized to better understand the trends over the years. Since the title vectors are 100-dimensional which cannot be easily visualized, we perform Principal Component Analysis to capture the huge number of dimensions onto two axes. The title vectors in 2-dimensions, coloured according to the cluster labels, have been plotted. To better understand this plot, the points have been plotted year-wise in the following animation. The colour of the bubbles indicates the cluster to which the paper belongs and its size is controlled by the number of papers falling in that cluster in that year. As the slider progresses over the years, we can see a clear increase in the number of papers published in general (except in the year 2021 as the database was created midway through the year on 20th June). The cluster consisting papers on attention understanding aware uncertainty nets (light blue) increases in size in the year 2017. This observation aligns with the fact that the ground-breaking 'Attention Is All You Need' paper was published in the same year. In the clusters representing faster parallel greedy fast regularized (dark green) and scalable estimating application partial distributions (light green), we see a sudden rise in the size of the bubble in the year 2018. This is reasonable as during this phase in AI, many algorithms and models had been proposed and focus shifted on making them optimizied and faster. With the increase in cloud technologies, applications involving parallel and distributed computations were proposed. The clusters of papers on human scalable joint partial embedding (dark orange) and graph network recurrent training convolutional have been around since 2006 and show a gradual increase in the number of publications over the years. This seems reasonable since convolutional and recurrent networks have been proposed in the early 2000's and have been popular as baseline models since then. The terms 'human' and 'scalable' are also at the heart of this field since humans try to emulate the neurons in our brains into computation models and hope to run them on large-scale data to infer meaningful results. The overall trends described above and increasing bubble sizes are a strong indication of the rapid growth in various niche areas of AI.